;USB communication logging include "settings.inc" include "ti83plus.inc" include "equates.inc" SEGMENT Main GLOBALS ON EXTERN IPutS,DispHexA,IGetKey,INewLine,Start,ILdHLInd,USBErrorFeatureDisabled,DispHexHL ;DO NOT REORDER THESE Var logPage,1 Var logAddress,2 Var logDataPage,1 Var logDataAddress,2 DoLog: push ix push hl push de push af push bc ; ld a,b ; cp logSectorRead ; jr z,$F ; cp logSectorWrite ; jr nz,logDone $$: call DoLogDo logDone: pop bc pop af pop de pop hl pop ix ret DoLogDo: ld hl,logPage ld a,(hl) or a ret z inc hl ld e,(hl) inc hl ld d,(hl) bit 7,d ret z inc de bit 7,d ret z dec de ex de,hl ;HL = logptr out (7),a ;set log RAM page ld a,b cp logData jr z,DoLogData cp logDataEnd jr z,DoLogDataEnd cp logDataStart jr nz,$f in a,(7) push af ld a,81h out (7),a ld ix,logDataAddress ld (ix+0),l ld (ix+1),h pop af out (7),a $$: push hl ld (hl),b inc hl ld (hl),c inc hl ld (hl),0 inc hl ld (hl),0 inc hl pop hl DoLogCont: ld a,81h out (7),a ex de,hl ld (hl),d dec hl ld (hl),e ret DoLogData: ;If we've already stored 32 bytes of data, time to start a new data log entry jr LogDataOK push bc push hl in a,(7) push af ld a,81h out (7),a ld ix,logDataAddress ld c,(ix+0) ld b,(ix+1) ;BC -> data start address pop af out (7),a or a sbc hl,bc ;How much data has been stored so far? ld bc,68 or a sbc hl,bc ;If it's 32 bytes, split up into two log entries pop hl pop bc jr nz,LogDataOK push bc ;Start new entry ld a,81h out (7),a ex de,hl ld (hl),d dec hl ld (hl),e ld b,logDataEnd ld c,0 call DoLogDo ;End the current data entry ld b,logDataStart ld c,0 call DoLogDo ;And start the new one pop bc jp DoLogDo ;Restore the data LogDataOK: ld (hl),c inc hl jr DoLogCont DoLogDataEnd: ld a,l and 3 jr z,$f ld (hl),0 inc hl jr DoLogDataEnd $$: ;Update DataEnd and DataStart with each other's addresses ld (hl),b ;DataEnd inc hl inc hl in a,(7) push af ld a,81h out (7),a ld ix,logDataAddress ld c,(ix+0) ;DataStart Address ld b,(ix+1) pop af out (7),a ld (hl),c inc hl ld (hl),b inc hl ;HL -> next log address inc bc inc bc ;BC -> DataStart's data2 ld a,l ld (bc),a inc bc ld a,h ld (bc),a jr DoLogCont LogCustom: LOG Custom,b ret SetupLog: ;B = page ;hl = addr ld ix,logPage ld (ix+0),b ld (ix+1),l ld (ix+2),h di ld a,b out (7),a ld hl,8000h ld (hl),0 ld de,8001h ld bc,4000h-1 ldir ld a,81h out (7),a LOG SetupLog or a ret StopLog: LOG LogDone ld ix,logPage ld (ix+0),0 ld (ix+1),0 ld (ix+2),0 ret