;Utility routines ;This is full of all kinds of unnecessary crap include "settings.inc" include "ti83plus.inc" include "equates.inc" SEGMENT Main GLOBALS ON DispHex16: ld b,16 $$: ld a,(hl) call DispHexA inc hl djnz $B ret IPutS11: ld b,11 $$: ld a,(hl) or a ret z inc hl call IPutC djnz $B ret unlockFlash: ld hl,unlockFlashStart ld de,savesscreen ld bc,unlockFlashEnd-unlockFlashStart ldir jp savesscreen unlockFlashStart: B_CALL GetBaseVer cp 2 jr c,oldUnlock cp 3 jp p,newUnlock-unlockFlashStart+savesscreen ld a,b cp 40 jr c,oldUnlock newUnlock: ld a,1 ld (appInfo+2),a B_CALL WriteToFlash ret oldUnlock: in a,(6) push af ld a,7Bh call unlockTranslatePage-unlockFlashStart+savesscreen out (6),a ld hl,_WriteToFlash ld e,(hl) inc hl ld d,(hl) inc hl ld a,(hl) call unlockTranslatePage-unlockFlashStart+savesscreen out (6),a ex de,hl ld a,1 ld (appInfo+2),a ld a,0F5h ld bc,0FFFFh cpir dec hl ld de,unlockReturnPoint-unlockFlashStart+savesscreen push de jp (hl) unlockReturnPoint: pop af out (6),a ret unlockTranslatePage: ld b,a in a,(2) and 80h jr z,$F in a,(21h) and 3 ld a,b ret nz and 3Fh ret $$: ld a,b and 1Fh ret unlockFlashEnd: cphlde: push hl or a sbc hl,de pop hl ret LDIR_ExtraRAMPage: call getAfromHL_ExtraRAMPage ex de,hl call putAtoHL_ExtraRAMPage ex de,hl inc hl inc de dec bc ld a,b or c jr nz,LDIR_ExtraRAMPage ret LDIRtoExtraRAMPage: ex de,hl $$: ld a,(de) call putAtoHL_ExtraRAMPage inc hl inc de dec bc ld a,b or c jr nz,$B ex de,hl ret LDIRtoDirEntries: ex de,hl $$: ld a,(de) call putAtoHL_dirEntries inc hl inc de dec bc ld a,b or c jr nz,$B ex de,hl ret LDIRfromExtraRAMPage: call getAfromHL_ExtraRAMPage ld (de),a inc hl inc de dec bc ld a,b or c jr nz,LDIRfromExtraRAMPage ret putAtoHL_ExtraRAMPage: push bc ld (asm_ram+6),a ld a,i jp pe,$F ld a,i $$: di push af ld a,(asm_ram+6) push af xor a out (0Fh),a pop bc ld a,02h out (5),a inc a or 80h out (7),a ld (hl),b restoreRAMpagesRet: ld a,81h out (7),a xor a out (5),a ld (asm_ram+6),a pop af jp po,$F ei $$: ld a,(asm_ram+6) ld a,b pop bc ret putAtoHL_dirEntries: push bc ld (asm_ram+6),a ld a,i jp pe,$F ld a,i $$: di push af ld a,(asm_ram+6) push af xor a out (0Fh),a ;I really don't know what this does pop bc ld a,06h out (5),a ld a,87h out (7),a ld (hl),b jr restoreRAMpagesRet putAtoHL_FATtable: push bc ld (asm_ram+6),a ld a,i jp pe,$F ld a,i $$: di push af ld a,(asm_ram+6) push af xor a out (0Fh),a ;I really don't know what this does pop bc ld a,06h out (5),a ld a,87h out (7),a ld (hl),b jr restoreRAMpagesRet putAtoHL_reverseFATtable: push bc ld (asm_ram+6),a ld a,i jp pe,$F ld a,i $$: di push af ld a,(asm_ram+6) push af xor a out (0Fh),a ;I really don't know what this does pop bc ld a,06h out (5),a ld a,87h out (7),a ld (hl),b jr restoreRAMpagesRet getAfromHL_ExtraRAMPage: push bc ld (asm_ram+6),a ld a,i jp pe,$F ld a,i $$: di push af ld a,(asm_ram+6) xor a out (0Fh),a ld a,02h out (5),a inc a or 80h out (7),a ld b,(hl) jr restoreRAMpagesRet WaitTimer100ms: ;Waits 100ms call WaitTimer20ms call WaitTimer20ms call WaitTimer20ms WaitTimer40ms: ;Waits 40ms call WaitTimer20ms WaitTimer20ms: ;Waits 20ms ld b,2 WaitTimerBms: ;Waits B*10 milliseconds ld a,42h out (36h),a xor a out (37h),a ld a,b out (38h),a $$: in a,(4) bit 7,a jr z,$B ret DebugStart: push af push de push hl push bc ld hl,(curRow) push hl ld hl,2 ld (curRow),hl ld a,6 ; ld b,1 ; call WaitTimerBms B_CALL PutC pop hl ld (curRow),hl pop bc pop hl pop de pop af ret DebugStop: push af push de push hl push bc ld hl,(curRow) push hl ld hl,2 ld (curRow),hl ld a,' ' ; ld b,1 ; call WaitTimerBms B_CALL PutC pop hl ld (curRow),hl pop bc pop hl pop de pop af ret INewLine: push hl ld hl,(curRow) inc l ld h,0 ld (curRow),hl pop hl ret VPutSAppCenter: push hl call SStringLen pop hl ld a,95 sub c srl a ld (penCol),a VPutSApp: ld a,(hl) inc hl or a ret z B_CALL VPutMap jr VPutSApp SStringLen: ld c,0 $$: ld a,(hl) inc hl or a ret z push hl ld h,0 ld l,a add hl,hl add hl,hl add hl,hl B_CALL SFont_Len ld a,b pop hl add a,c ld c,a jr $B PutSApp: ld a,(hl) inc hl or a ret z B_CALL PutC jr PutSApp IGetKey: push ix push bc push de push hl res onInterrupt,(iy+onFlags) B_CALL GetKey pop hl pop de pop bc pop ix ret IPutSUnicode: ;Display a unicode string descriptor ld b,(hl) inc hl inc hl dec b dec b $$: ld a,(hl) or a call nz,IPutC inc hl djnz $b ret IPutS: ld a,(hl) inc hl or a ret z call IPutC jr IPutS IPutC: push hl ;don't think these are necessary push bc ;TODO: replace this with something that doesn't use interrupts, if it does B_CALL PutC pop bc pop hl ret Var TempNum,2 GetHexA: ;lets user input an 8 bit number in hexadecimal ;prompt is at currow,curcol ;number is returned in a set curAble,(iy+curFlags) ld b,2 ld hl,TempNum getnumhloop: call IGetKey cp 2 jp nz,gnhnotback ld a,b cp 2 jp z,gnhnotback ld a,' ' B_CALL PutMap ld hl,curCol dec (hl) jp GetHexA gnhnotback: sub 142 cp 10 jp c,gnhnumpressed sub 12 cp 6 jp c,gnhletpressed jp getnumhloop gnhnumpressed: ld (hl),a inc hl add a,48 call IPutC djnz getnumhloop jp gnhdone gnhletpressed: add a,10 ld (hl),a inc hl add a,55 call IPutC djnz getnumhloop gnhdone: dec hl ld b,(hl) dec hl ld a,(hl) rlca rlca rlca rlca or b res curAble,(iy+curFlags) ret DispHexHL: push af push bc push de push hl push ix ld a,h call DispHexA ld a,l call DispHexA pop ix pop hl pop de pop bc pop af ret DispHexA: push ix push af push hl push bc push af rrca rrca rrca rrca call dispha pop af call dispha pop bc pop hl pop af pop ix ret dispha: and 15 cp 10 jp nc,dhlet add a,48 jp dispdh dhlet: add a,55 dispdh: call IPutC ret ;DialogBox ; Input ; (H,L) = (y,x) upper left ; (D,E) = (y,x) lower right ;H and l must be >= 1 ;D must be <= 62 ;E must be <= 93 ;Text inside the box must be displayed manually DialogBox: push hl push de dec h dec l inc d inc d inc e inc e B_CALL EraseRectBorder pop de pop hl push hl push de B_CALL DrawRectBorderClear pop de pop hl push hl push de inc d inc e B_CALL DrawRectBorder pop de pop hl ld a,h xor 63 ;Adjust for funny IPoint coordinates ld h,a ld a,d xor 63 ld b,l ld c,h ld d,0 B_CALL IPoint ;(b,c) = (x,y xor 63) - upper left ld b,e B_CALL IPoint inc b B_CALL IPoint dec c B_CALL IPoint ld c,a dec c B_CALL IPoint ld b,l B_CALL IPoint inc b B_CALL IPoint dec b inc c B_CALL IPoint ret VStrLen: ld b,0 VStrLen_Loop: ld a,(hl) or a ret z push hl ld h,0 ld l,a add hl,hl add hl,hl add hl,hl push bc B_CALL SFont_Len ld a,b pop bc pop hl inc hl add a,b ld b,a jr VStrLen_Loop