;Demos of what this patch can do include "settings.inc" include "ti83plus.inc" include "equates.inc" SEGMENT Main GLOBALS ON EXTERN StartApp,PutSApp Var curPtr,1 selfTransfer: xor a ld (curPtr),a B_CALL ClrLCDFull B_CALL HomeUp ld hl,sTransferring call PutSApp B_CALL GetKey in a,(6) ld hl,selfTransferHook ld (9BD8h),hl ld (9BD8h+2),a set 1,(iy+3Ah) set 0,(iy+3Eh) res 5,(iy+3Dh) B_CALL keyscnlnk jr StartApp sTransferring: DB "Press any key " DB "to transfer " DB "prgmA to Flash " DB "via silent link",0CEh,0 selfTransferHook: add a,e push bc push de push hl push af ld a,b cp 1 jr z,weAreTryingToSendOut cp 2 jr z,startSilentLink cp 3 jr z,fakeReceivingByte cp 4 jr z,fakeReceivingByte pop af pop hl pop de pop bc cp a ret weAreTryingToSendOut: or 1 pop af pop hl pop de pop bc ret startSilentLink: pop af xor a ld (curPtr),a ld a,03h or a pop hl pop de pop bc ret fakeReceivingByte: pop af ld a,(curPtr) inc a ld (curPtr),a ld h,0 ld l,a ld de,byteTable-1 add hl,de or 1 ld a,(hl) cp 0FFh jr nz,$F res 1,(iy+3Ah) $$: pop hl pop de pop bc ret byteTable: ;Here I'm receiving a variable via the LINK menu... ; DB 73h,56h,00h,00h ; DB 73h,56h,00h,00h ; DB 73h,09h,00h,00h ; DB 73h,56h,00h,00h ; DB 73h,56h,00h,00h ;-------------------------------------------------------- ;Here I'm sending something silently... DB 0C9h DB 0Dh,00h DB 05h,00h DB 05h DB 41h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h DB 00h DB 80h DB 0CBh,00h DB 03h,56h,00h,00h DB 03h,15h,05h,00h,03h,00h,2Ah,48h,49h,0BEh,00h DB 03h,92h,00h,0FFh